
On FXN, Reputation Scores are used to represent the quality of data shared by a single data provider for a specific collector.

Why Reputation Matters

By incentivizing people to share useful data, we also incentivize bad actors to try to cheat. Reputation is our strongest line of defense to guard against bad quality data contributions over the protocol.

On FXN, users earn reputation by sharing high quality data. Reputation scores are only transferred after the completion of a data subscription. This gives the subscriber ample time to determine if the quality of data provided by a Sense Agent is high or low. In either case, the verdict is stored on-chain for all to see.

Reputation guards data subscribers against low-quality contributors,

Reputation In Detail

Gathering Reputation Data

Reputation scores are collected from subscribers at the end of the subscription period. They represent the subscriber's subjective rating about the data provider's data quality for the given collector during the subscription period.

FXN maintains the most recent 10 reputation scores for each data provider at each collector, and new scores supersede older scores.

Assigning Scores

Reputation scores are tied to individual wallet addresses. This means that data providers cannot wash-trade NFTs in order to cleanse them of their reputations. Instead, users need to accumulate reputation via consistently sharing high quality data.

Using Reputation

The purpose of reputation scoring is to allow subscribers to select data feeds from high-quality data providers.

Reputation is searchable on-chain, allowing subscribers to select among the top network participants to receive data feeds, and eliminate low quality providers, sybils, and bad actors.

Last updated